Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Brain Freeze: Why and How to Deal with It

Hi....D douche bag is in d house yo.....

Its been a while since the last time I actually wrote something in this blog. I've been working like there is no tomorrow and nothing seems to prompt my creative mind to come up with an idea. Anyway, I found this article in, which might be intersting for some of you who are big fans of ice cream. Remember when you have great time eating your ice cream and suddenly, there is this painful uncomfortable headache running towards your brain? yup, this is what we called 'brain freeze'. Let me post an opinion of a mother who might have the answer on how to deal with the problem and the explanation on why this phenomenon can happen to anyone.

So what causes ice cream headaches in the first place? It has to do with the nerve receptors above the roof of your mouth. When you take a bite of ice cream, some of it touches the top of your mouth, otherwise known as the hard palate. That in turn triggers the nerves above the palate to cool down — and quick. The nerves send an emergency message to the brain that it’s about to get cold up there, and the blood vessels in the brain constrict to accommodate. When the warm blood rushes through the blood vessels again — presto! You get a searing headache similar to a migraine. Ouch! But don’t worry though, this kind of headache does not signify a serious problem.

How do you deal with it? To keep yourself from getting the freeze in the first place, try eating cold foods slower than usual and keep that ice cream away from the roof of your mouth if you can.

There you are, a simple solution to make your life better!!!! see you next time, Adios

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