Monday, May 2, 2011

Child Prodigies: Will They Ever Become Billionaires?

As a douchebag, I have never ever imagined that I would be able to solve a math equation at the age of 5, nor conduct a surgery at the age of 7. In fact, I almost spent my entire childhood, playing hide and seek, cop and bandit with my cousin, trying to catch grasshoppers with my bare hands and playin video games. Since I watched this TV program, showing numerous children with various talents and gifts, I have been wondering how things would have turned out differently if I were one of them. I could probably rule the world with my brain and become the richest man alive......the wealthiest man in the universe, or could I? Over the years, well actually since I was born, I have never seen someone who possesses an exceptional IQ has ever earned that much in the world. I might be wrong, but based on my experience, people like Bill Gates, Oprah Winfrey, Steve Jobs, Richard Branson or Warren Buffet who influence so many people and change their way of living do not possess the same level of intelligence compared to Einstein or these young prodigies. Here are some young prodigies that I found in Wikipedia:

March Tian Boedihardjo was born in the year 1998, a child prodigy of Chinese-Indonesian descendant, born in Hong Kong with family roots from Anxi and Fujian, but was raised in United Kingdom in 2005. At the age of 9 year-old and 3 months, March Boendihardjo, passed the A-level exams in Britain, gaining all A’s in mathematics, B statistics and gained 8 GCSEs, which he made it at the same time as his A-levels.

The next story shows us that being a genius doesn't mean you will have a happy life as a person......

Sufiah Yusof first made headlines in 1997 when she gained entry into St Hilda's College, Oxford to study mathematics at the age of 13. In 2001, she ran away from her student flat in Oxford, after taking her final examination paper for the academic year.She was found working as a waitress in a Bournemouth Internet cafe two weeks later, but refused to return home, alleging that her parents made life difficult for her at home. She stayed with a foster family instead.In March 2008, a reporter working undercover for the News of the World found her advertising as a prostitute under the name Shilpa Lee, quoting a rate of £130 an hour. In December 2008 an Islamic organisation reported that Sufiah had regretted her activities as a prostitute. She is now working as a social worker.

This a kid who is currently studying at HELP University in Malaysia (MY OWN COLLEGE), I have been beaten by a 12 year old boy...what an took me 2 years while I was studying at Sunway(I was 20 at that time) to realize that I'm actually quite smart and able to nail anything if I work harder. But this boy, solve everything related to Chemistry with ease. Dang...I hate chemistry. But his mom is quite pretty, isnt she?......

He is a scientific child prodigy and former baby genius. He is six years old. He spoke his first words after a couple of weeks of life, began crawling at four months, walking at six months, running at eight months. This makes him probably the world's earliest crawler, earliest walker, earliest talker - and earliest runner. He was also an exceptionally early reader: at eight months, he showed letter recognition. Also at eight months he was able to climb into and out of his wooden cot, of a traditional design. This is a feat fit for an acrobat.

He showed an investigative approach to the world from very early on, always checking the full properties and nature of things, in a bewilderingly fast cataloguing of possibilities. At one year of age, he held a very remarkable conversation in which he gave us an account of his own birth, as witnessed by someone whose perspective was from inside the womb. This was undoubtedly a genuine memory since we had never told him how he had come into the world: he was answering from his own memory of the birth experience. His memory remains uncannily retentive. Remarkably, Ainan had a basic understanding of time, at two months of age. He was clearly aware of the meaning and significance of a clock at two months, having taken to staring at it, and preparing himself for the return of his mother, at the right time, each evening. He has shown gifts in science, art and music at various ages of his life, including composing some pieces of music last year, on the piano, which he learned to play a year ago. His main interest now is chemistry and the physical sciences in general. Incidentally, science is not taught in Singapore schools until Primary Three and Ainan has just completed Primary One. All his scientific knowledge comes from his own private studies, therefore: he is a largely self-taught young scientist.

Well that's all for now folks, I've got to go to bed because I have to wake up in the morning to go to the office. Yeah, douchebag works too....So, I'll definitely write more on this issue in the future...

Source: Wikipedia and

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Debate: Does Buying Cheaper Shoes Hurt Your Feet?

This is a myth that has been circulating over the past few years or even decade. They say having an expensive or a branded pair of shoes will give you more comfortable feeling and satisfaction than having cheaper ones. As a fan of cheaper and non-branded shoes, I personally think that this is not a myth nor a rumour. Buying a pair of cheap shoes might not hurt your feet. I personally think that buying a cheaper pair of shoes is like choosing a quick fix method to solve your problems. I've been in many situations where my shoes were torn apart after I had worn them for just couple of weeks. They might not hurt your feet, but they definitely break your heart. Therefore, I had made a pledge some time ago that I would never buy any shoes for less than Rp300,000 or around US$300.

I'm not a fashionista nor a fashion expert. But, I can assure you that buying expensive or branded shoes will give you more pros than contras, satisfaction and feel good feeling when you wear them in your daily activities. I'm not saying that I will stop buying cheap shoes (coz if you are a really good shopper, you might actually get a bargain), I'm just saying if you go for a quality in purchasing things such as shoes, it won't hurt to pay a bit more to get what you want. Does buying cheaper shoes hurt your feet or not? well, you just need to try them on before you buy them. In the end, expensive shoes equal to quality while cheap shoes are temporary. What do you think?

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