Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Health Campaign: "Lets Start Living Healthy Now"

"Why is it that many prefer to drink mineral water rather than tap water? Why is it considered a better choice than purified water? For the very simple reason, that this type of water, being groundwater, is loaded with minerals necessary to enhance health. On the other hand, purified water removes the essential minerals, while tap water generally contains fluoride that can damage your health. Natural mineral water benefits can help improve overall health and is recommended by various health care professionals."

Nah, berdasarkan fakta tersebut, kita bisa menyimpulkan bahwa air putih atau 'mineral water' mempunyai manfaat yang luar biasa untuk kesehatan tubuh kita sehingga kita harus selalu mengkonsumsinya untuk kebaikan kita sendiri. Beside consuming air putih, we also have to balance our lifestyle by start living healthy from now.

Dr Samuel Oetoro, MS, SpGK menyarankan pedoman 5 S untuk menjaga kesehatan dan kebugaran tubuh hingga usia lanjut.

"Saya seringnya mengatakan hidup sehat dan bugar, tak hanya hidup sehat. Hidup sehat dan bugar artinya melakukan pola hidup yang benar-benar menunjang kesehatan hidup Anda. Caranya, dengan memperhatikan 5 S. Makan sehat, berpikir sehat, istirahat sehat, aktivitas sehat, dan lingkungan yang sehat," jelas dr Samuel saat peluncuran kampanye Mulai Hidup Sehat dari Sekarang dari Danone Aqua, Rabu, 16 Maret 2011, di Djakarta Theatre, Jakarta.

So, menurut pendapat seorang douchebag, kita harus selalu menjaga keseimbangan gaya hidup kita. Its ok to have crazy wild life once in a while but you need to take care of your health while doing it. I am not saying that being a workaholic or being a sport addict is wrong, I'm just saying that balancing everything in your life will definitely lead you to healthier and even happier life in the future. I mean look at this celebrities pictures below, aren't they beautiful or what?

Friday, March 11, 2011

The best weekend ever: Liverpool 3 Manchester United 1

I had the best weekend of the year last week when I watched my favorite team beating the hell of Manchester United 3-1 at Anfield. The feeling was great especially when some Man United fans kept saying that we would never beat them in a football match. I hope Liverpool can build this momentum to move forward to achieve greater things in future. YNWA

Invitation from Mariana Renata

Ehm, interesting invitation huh? Is this a scam? maybe, or just my wishful thinking? most likely, will I get a chance to get to know her better? absolutely maybe.....

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Bahaya Dehidrasi Bagi Tubuh Kita

Kita semua pasti tahu dan sadar bahwa air merupakan urat nadi kehidupan manusia. Semua sistem dalam tubuh bergantung pada air. Bahkan lebih baik kekurangan makanan daripada kekurangan air. Kurangnya air dalam tubuh dapat menyebabkan dehidrasi. Dehidrasi sendiri terjadi saat air dalam tubuh tidak mencukupi untuk melakukan fungsi kerja tubuh secara normal. “Air adalah zat gizi yang esensial bagi tubuh, sehingga kehilangan air sebanyak 20% saja bisa berakibat fatal,” kata Dr. dr. Luciana B. Sutanto, MS. SpGK, anggota Perhimpunan Dokter Gizi Medik Indonesia (PGDMI) dalam acara diskusi hari Jumat (25/2) lalu.

Selama ini yang kita tahu tanda-tanda dehidrasi hanya rasa haus. Tepi ternyata sering juga tubuh kita mengalami dehidrasi tanpa merasa haus sama sekali. Menurut Dr. Luciana, justru dehidrasi tanpa rasa haus itu yang lebih berbahaya. “Ketika muncul rasa haus, harus segera minum karena kalau dibiarkan, rasa haus akan hilang yang berarti tingkat dehidrasi menjadi lebih tinggi,” kata Dr. Luciana.

Untuk kita ketahui, dehidrasi sendiri terbagi atas dehidrasi ringan-sedang dan dehidrasi berat. Ciri-ciri dehidrasi ringan-sedang adalah mulut kering dan lengket, mengantuk/lelah, haus, urin sedikit, airmata kurang/kering dan otot lemah, dan sakit kepala/pusing/silau melihat sinar. Sedangkan ciri-ciri dehidrasi berat adalah haus berat, sangat mengantuk dan kebingungan, tidak berkeringat, urin sedikit berwarna kuning gelap/tidak ada urin, mata cekung, menggigil, kulit kering dan elastisitas hilang, tekanan darah rendah, nadi cepat, panas serta kesadaran menurun.
Dalam diskusi tersebut, Dr. Luciana juga memaparkan hasil studi terbaru tahun 2010 yang dilakukan oleh 2 pakar gizi Amerika Serikat, Lawrence E. Armstrong, PhD dan Harris R. Lieberman, PhD. Dalam penelitian tersebut menunjukkan bahwa dehidrasi dapat berdampak negatif pada tingkat kinerja, kognitif dan mood.

Kemampuan kognitif sendiri merupakan kemampuan intelektual kita. Jika kinerja kognitif kita menurun biasanya konsentrasi dan kewaspadaan kita berkurang. Kita juga menjadi sulit dalam mempersepsikan sesuatu, alias lemot.

Berdasarkan studi tersebut, dari sisi kemampuan fisik, jika kita kekurangan air 0,5%, hal ini akan mengganggu kinerja jantung; kekurangan air 1% akan mengurangi stamina tubuh; kekurangan air 3% akan mengurangi ketahanan otot; kekurangan air 4% akan melemahkan kekuatan otot dan kemampuan gerak serta mengakibatkan heat cramp; kekurangan air 5% akan mengakibatkan kelelahan akibat haus, kram, penurunan kemampuan mental; kekurangan air 6% akan mengakibatkan kelelahan fisik, heatstroke dan koma.

Sedangkan dari sisi kognitif, dehidrasi sebesar 1,5% pada pada pria menyebabkan sulit berkonsentrasi dan mengingat, lelah serta tegang. Sementara wanita lebih cepat terkena dampak negatif dehidrasi yaitu ketika terjadi dehidrasi sebesar 1,3% dan menyebabkan lelah, mudah marah, bingung, mengantuk, hilang konsentrasi, pusing dan kesulitan dalam menyelesaikan tugas.

Menurut Dr. Luciana, reaksi terhadap dehidrasi antara pria dan wanita berbeda karena perbedaan fisiologi tubuh pria dan wanita. Wanita memiliki komposisi lemak lebih tinggi sementara pria memiliki komposisi otot yang lebih tinggi. Pada wanita, komponen air memang lebih rendah selain juga dipengaruhi oleh faktor hormonal sehingga lebih sensitif terhadap kekurangan cairan.
Dari studi 2 pakar tersebut juga membuktikan bahwa dehidrasi juga berdampak pada suasana hati seseorang, misalnya orang yang mengalami dehidrasi akan merasa stres, depresi atau tegang.

Di dalam Pedoman Umum Gizi Seimbang disebutkan bahwa orang dewasa (di Indonesia) disarankan untuk minum minimal 2 liter atau 8 gelas air setiap hari untuk memenuhi kebutuhan cairan tubuh serta untuk menjaga kesehatan. “Yang paling baik untuk dehidrasi adalah air putih karena mengandung berbagai mineral yang diperlukan oleh tubuh,” kata Dr. Luciana.

Namun walaupun kebutuhan akan air terpenuhi, ternyata tidak semua air minum memiliki kualitas yang sama. Air putih yang baik dan aman untuk diminum harus mengandung mineral yang berguna untuk kerja organ tubuh misalnya kalsium, magnesium, natrium, flouride, silika dan zinc dalam jumlah yang cukup. Mineral berperan sebagai substrat dalam reaksi tubuh. Tanpa mineral yang cukup, tubuh tidak dapat berfungsi optimal.
Selain itu, pemerintah melalui Kementerian Kesehatan mengisyaratkan bahwa air putih yang aman dikonsumsi adalah air putih yang harus bebas dari mikroba pathogen serta harus jernih, bening dan tidak berwarna, tidak berbau serta mengandung pH: 6-8,5. Cara paling mudah untuk mengetahui apakah air yang kita minum itu bersih atau tidak adalah dengan menerawang dan merasakannya.

Jika pada saat kita terawang ada sesuatu yang mengambang atau ada sesuatu di dalamnya artinya air tersebut tidak bersih. Air putih yang bersih juga tidak memiliki aroma dan rasa saat kita minum.

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Friends: The Best Sitcom Series Ever

Have you ever watched an American Sitcom named 'Friends'? If you haven't, then you should go to the nearest dvd store in your neighborhood and purchase the entire 10 seasons of the show. I will guarantee that you won't regret it. The story looks so real (at least for me), it looks as if everything happens in the movie, would likely happen in our life. Couple of bestfriends hanging out looking for girlfriends/ boyfriends, a friend who falls in love with the bestfriend's sister, friends doing crazy silly things, friends supporting each other during difficult time, or friends hanging out and talking about nothing in particular while discussing silly stuff (and sometimes they celebrate some stuff as well like christmas or thanksgiving). I think the show is amazing. In fact, some friends of mine told me that Joey and me have similar character in term of eating habit. We both love food especially Italian food.

Anyhow, here is the brief synopsis of the sitcom that I found in
When we start the show, Rachel Green comes in wearing a wedding dress after leaving her fiancé at the altar. Rachel worked at Central Perk for a while and finally gets a job at Bloomingdale's and later Ralph Lauren. She has a baby with Ross Geller and they decide to keep the baby. Ross Geller is a paleontologist, and has had three wives. His first wife, Carol, finds out she is a lesbian and is pregnant with his baby. His second wife, Emily, is crushed when he calls this new wife Rachel instead of Emily. His third wife, Rachel, happens when they get drunk and decide to get married. Ross's sister, and Rachel's best friend, Monica Geller-Bing is a chef, and finally marries Chandler Bing. Chandler Bing is Ross's best friend, and secretly dated his sister for about 6-7 months. Monica and Chandler want to have a baby after Rachel has hers, but they can't have any. They decide to adopt a baby. They are shocked to find out that the pregnant mother is having twins...

Yup..that's pretty much sums up how the story starts and ends......But it is not complete thou, so you guys need to purchase the DVDs version to know more about the show....

Let me post videos to give you a glimpse of the best Sitcom I have ever watched (well actually they are only blooper videos of friends, nevertheless, they are really fun to watch), so enjoy .......

Friday, March 4, 2011

Super Sunday Preview: Liverpool vs Manchester United

The biggest and most successful clubs in England will face each other at Anfield in Super Sunday ‘Clash of Titan’ this week.

Lets take a look at both teams possible line up for this exciting match

Liverpool: Reina, Johnson, Carragher, Skrtel, Agger, Aurelio, Gerrad, Meireles, Lucas, Kuyt, Suarez. Sub: Carroll, Jones, Spearing, Cole, Ngog, Poulsen, Rodriguez.

Manchester United: Van de Sar, Rafael , Smalling, Brown, Evra, Nani, Fletcher, Giggs, Carrick, Berbatov, Rooney. Sub: Hernandez, Fabio, O Shea, Scholes, Kuzchak, Gibson, Anderson

Match Prediction:

Liverpool is planning to avenge their defeats in the last two previous meeting with United this week. After suffering a setback in their last game at the hand of West Ham, Liverpool are looking forward to move on and record a win over United in this week English premier league’s most anticipated fixture. A win over United will definitely restore the team confidence in pursuing the coveted European spot. They have just received good news regarding Andy Carroll. The Liverpool's new 35 million pound striker, who has been injured for some time, is ready to take some part in this match and torment United defense. There is nothing more pleasing than getting a win over one of your bitter rivals in a football match.

On the other hand, Manchester United is hoping to get back on the track in the title race after suffering a controversial loss to Chelsea at Stamford Bridge during a midweek match. Sir Alex Ferguson is facing a possible fine and lengthy ban for excessively criticizing referee decision after the match. Rooney and Berbatov are expected to lead the United’s attack up front while Nemanja Vidic will miss the match after receiving his marching order in United last match. A win for United will extend their lead at the top of the table and it will ease their way to win their 19th English premiere league title, moving a step ahead of Liverpool as a team with the most league title in the history of English football.

So, as a Liverpudlian and a douchebag, I think Liverpool has more enthusiasm to beat United and they will be backed by tremendous support from the Kop in this fixture. United will be without their defensive pair, Rio Ferdinand and Nemanja Vidic in this match and Liverpool will gladly expose their shaky defense to record their first victory of the season over their rival . My final score prediction is 3-1 to Liverpool. Suarez will get a brace; Berbatov will net one of his trademark goals after Stevie G put the icing on the cake. YNWA

Gorengan: Sebuah Dilemma bagi Pecinta Makanan

Kemarin, saya dan saudara saya sedang berbicara tentang urusan yang tidak terlalu penting dalam perjalanan ke Citos, tiba2 dia mengeluh tentang perutnya yang sakit.

Kuncung : "Mas perutku kenapa sakit ya?".
Douchebag : "Loh, Emang tadi makan apa?".
Kuncung : "Tadi sih makan gorengan di daerah x".
Douchebag : "wah, jangan2 keracunan gorengan tuh".
Kuncung : "Ah masa sih, orang2 bilang kalau disitu minyaknya selalu diganti dan harganya mahal, makanya aman".
Douchebag : "Yah, kan itu kata orang, mana kita tahu yang sesungguhnya kan?"

Nah untuk mengetahui beberapa fakta dari gorengan, saya sudah mendapatkan sebuah artikel di nih, mudah-mudahan bisa memberikan pencerahan kepada kita semua.......

Gorengan menjadi jajanan favorit banyak orang. Rasa gurih dan garing berpadu apik di lidah dan menjadi candu tersendiri. Gorengan dibungkus kertas bekas ataupun kantong plastik berwarna, maka efek buruk kesehatan yang ditimbulkan bisa berlipat ganda.

Para pencinta gorengan, waspadai gorengan berwarna gelap dan bertekstur lebih keras dari kondisi normal. Kemungkinan gorengan tersebut merupakan sisa dagangan yang tidak habis terjual pada hari sebelumnya kemudian digoreng ulang oleh penjual.

Cerita kecurangan belum selesai. Sebab tak sedikit penganan gorengan yang diolah dengan minyak goreng yang telah dipakai berulang kali alias minyak jelantah. Kita tentu tak menutup mata dengan penjual yang hanya berorientasi pada keuntungan, tanpa memikirkan dampak yang harus ditanggung pembeli akibat mengonsumsi penganan tidak layak.

Bahaya minyak jelantah

Kualitas minyak jelantah sangat menurun dari minyak goreng baru. Minyak jelantah mengeluarkan kandungan polimer yang dapat terserap dalam pangan berupa asam lemak trans.

Dan dalam minyak jelantah, terdapat zat radikal bebas, seperti peroksida dan epioksida yang bersifat mutagen dan karsinogen sehingga berisiko terhadap kesehatan manusia. Misalnya saja, hasil peroksida pada minyak jelantah mengakibatkan pemanasan suhu tinggi hingga gangguan kesehatan, terutama yang berhubungan dengan metabolisme kolesterol.

Bahaya kertas bekas pembungkus pangan

Kertas bekas seperti koran, majalah, atau kertas yang sudah tercampur tinta sangat berbahaya bagi tubuh manusia karena di dalam tinta terdapat timbal yang bersifat racun.

“Bila terkena panas atau minyak dari gorengan, tinta dapat larut dalam makanan,” ungkap Kepala BPOM Palembang M Ali Bata Harahap.

Bahaya akut jangka pendek

Gorengan yang telah terpapar timbal bisa dimakan menyebabkan rasa terbakar pada mulut dan kerongkongan, pengeluaran air liur berlebihan, sakit perut disertai rasa mulas yang hebat, muntah, diare dengan tinja berwarna hitam, berdarah, susah buang air besar, merasa kelelahan, gangguan tidur, gelisah, lekas marah, gangguan ginjal, gangguan otak dengan penglihatan, kesemutan, kejang hingga kelumpuhan.

“Kematian dapat terjadi akibat kegagalan jantung,” katanya.

Bahaya kronis jangka panjang

Bila tertelan, paparan timbal yang dikonsumsi berulang dalam jangka lama meski dalam jumlah sedikit, menyebabkan akumulasi dalam jaringan tubuh, yaitu pada tulang, gigi, hingga otak dan dapat menimbulkan efek pada ginjal, hati, darah, saraf, alat reproduksi, dan endokrin dari sistem kekebalan.

“Tahap awal dari keracuanan timbal ditunjukkan dengan kehilangan nafsu makan dan kehilangan berat badan,” tuturnya.

Douchebag : "Gimana cung, masih mau beli gorengan lagi nggak? kan udah dijelasin tuh tentang beberapa info tentang gorengan.
Kuncung : "Ya masih lah Mas, tapi ngga sering2, soalnya aku rasa itu kurang baik buat kesehatan.
Douchebag : "Siplah, gorengan memang sedap, boleh kita konsumsi tapi jangan sering2, karena sesuatu yang dikonsumsi berlebihan akan berbahaya bagi tubuh kita.
Kuncung : "Sip deh".

Caroline Wozniacki Wears Liverpool Jersey in A Warming Up Match

Tennis star Caroline Wozniacki is a big fan of Liverpool. She recently received a jersey signed by captain Steven Gerrard and was so thrilled about it, that she wore it during a training session.

In her warmup for a match on February 2011, Wozniacki took the court wearing her autographed Steven Gerrard jersey that she recently received. The world's No. 1 women's player has tweeted about Liverpool pretty frequently and has made it clear that she's a big fan of the club.

Wozniacki won the match, but fell in the tournament's final. YNWA

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

More Than Words

Ah, the 90s, the best time of my life as human being. Where all the music sound really beautiful and ballads rule the world. Therefore, let me present you with one of the best songs ever created during the 90s era. Enjoy.....

Recorded by EXTREME
Words&Music Nuno Bettencourt/Gary Cherone


G... Cadd9... Am7... C... C.D. G...


G Cadd9
Saying I love you is

Am7 C D G
not the words I want to hear from you

G Cadd9
It's not that I want you

Am7 C D Em
not to say but if you only knew

Bm7 Am7
Ho-ow ea-sy

D G D/F# Em
It would be to show me how you feel

Bm7 Am7 D7 G7
More than words is all you have to do

G7 C
To make it real

C Cm G
Then you wouldn't have to say

That you love me 'cos

Am7 D7 G
I'd already know


G D/F# Em Bm C
What would you do if my heart was torn in two

C G/B Am7 D7 G
More than words to show you feel that your love for me is real

G D/F# Em7 Bm7 C
What would you say if I took those words away?

C G/B Am7
Then you couldn't make things new

D7 G
Just by saying I love you

(Repeat intro x2)


Now that I've tried to
Talk to you and make you understand
All that you have to do is
Close your eyes and just reach out your hands
And touch me
Hold me close don't ever let me go
More than words
Is all I ever needed you to show
Then you wouldn't have to say
That you love me
Cos I'd All Ready Know


Tuesday, March 1, 2011

And The Oscar Goes to.......

The most prestigious event for The World and Hollywood filmmakers has just ended. the 83th Academy Awards 2011 was successfully held at the Kodak Theater in Los Angeles on February 27, 2011. Christian Bale received the best supporting actor award for his outstanding performance in the fighter (I have seen the movie and he acted brilliantly). Natalie Portman won the best actress for her role as a ballet dancer in Black Swan. Colin Firth (difficult name to pronounce by the way)has won the most coveted award by any movie actors that night, portraying the future King George VI in The King's Speech while Melissa Leo who acted brilliantly as Micky Ward's mother aka boxing promotor in the fighter was voted as the 2011 best supporting actress in the event. So, If you were a jury, what movie would you choose to win the best picture in this year academy award? Here are the Oscar nominees' trailers that I intentionally posted for your consideration:

The King's Speech

Tells the story of the man who became King George VI, the father of Queen Elizabeth II. After his brother abdicates, George ('Bertie') reluctantly assumes the throne. Plagued by a dreaded stammer and considered unfit to be king, Bertie engages the help of an unorthodox speech therapist named Lionel Logue. Through a set of unexpected techniques, and as a result of an unlikely friendship, Bertie is able to find his voice and boldly lead the country through war.

Black Swan

A ballet dancer wins the lead in "Swan Lake" and is perfect for the role of the delicate White Swan - Princess Odette - but slowly loses her mind as she becomes more and more like Odile, the Black Swan.

The Fighter

A look at the early years of boxer "Irish" Micky Ward and his brother who helped train him before going pro in the mid 1980s.


In a world where technology exists to enter the human mind through dream invasion, a highly skilled thief is given a final chance at redemption which involves executing his toughest job to date: Inception.

The Kids Are All Right

Two children conceived by artificial insemination bring their birth father into their family life.

127 Hours

A mountain climber becomes trapped under a boulder while canyoneering alone near Moab, Utah and resorts to desperate measures in order to survive.

The Social Network

On a fall night in 2003, Harvard undergrad and computer programming genius Mark Zuckerberg sits down at his computer and heatedly begins working on a new idea. In a fury of blogging and programming, what begins in his dorm room soon becomes a global social network and a revolution in communication. A chronicle of the founding of Facebook, the social-networking Web site.

Toy Story 3

The toys are mistakenly delivered to a day-care center instead of the attic right before Andy leaves for college, and it's up to Woody to convince the other toys that they weren't abandoned and to return home.

True Grit

Following the murder of her father by hired hand Tom Chaney, 14-year-old farm girl Mattie Ross sets out to capture the killer. To aid her, she hires the toughest U.S. marshal she can find, a man with "true grit," Reuben J. "Rooster" Cogburn. Mattie insists on accompanying Cogburn, whose drinking, sloth, and generally reprobate character do not augment her faith in him. Against his wishes, she joins him in his trek into the Indian Nations in search of Chaney. They are joined by Texas Ranger LaBoeuf, who wants Chaney for his own purposes. The unlikely trio find danger and surprises on the journey, and each has his or her "grit" tested.

Winter's Bone

With an absent father and a withdrawn and depressed mother, 17 year-old Ree Dolly keeps her family together in a dirt poor rural area. She's taken aback however when the local Sheriff tells her that her father put up their house as collateral for his bail and unless he shows up for his trial in a week's time, they will lose it all. She knows her father is involved in the local drug trade and manufactures crystal meth, but everywhere she goes the message is the same: stay out of it and stop poking your nose in other people's business. She refuses to listen, even after her father's brother, Teardrop, tells her he's probably been killed. She pushes on, putting her own life in danger, for the sake of her family until the truth, or enough of it, is revealed.

There you go, all of them are pretty outstanding movies in my opinion. If I were the jury, I would probably vote for the inception to win the best picture award.Not only they have an exceptional storyline, they also have very interesting visual effect. But, what do I know? I'm just a douche bag. how about you? which movie do you think deserve to win the award? Oiya I almost forgot, and the winner goes to ........ King's Speech

Source: IDMB

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