"Why is it that many prefer to drink mineral water rather than tap water? Why is it considered a better choice than purified water? For the very simple reason, that this type of water, being groundwater, is loaded with minerals necessary to enhance health. On the other hand, purified water removes the essential minerals, while tap water generally contains fluoride that can damage your health. Natural mineral water benefits can help improve overall health and is recommended by various health care professionals."-www.buzzle.com-
Nah, berdasarkan fakta tersebut, kita bisa menyimpulkan bahwa air putih atau 'mineral water' mempunyai manfaat yang luar biasa untuk kesehatan tubuh kita sehingga kita harus selalu mengkonsumsinya untuk kebaikan kita sendiri. Beside consuming air putih, we also have to balance our lifestyle by start living healthy from now.
Dr Samuel Oetoro, MS, SpGK menyarankan pedoman 5 S untuk menjaga kesehatan dan kebugaran tubuh hingga usia lanjut.
"Saya seringnya mengatakan hidup sehat dan bugar, tak hanya hidup sehat. Hidup sehat dan bugar artinya melakukan pola hidup yang benar-benar menunjang kesehatan hidup Anda. Caranya, dengan memperhatikan 5 S. Makan sehat, berpikir sehat, istirahat sehat, aktivitas sehat, dan lingkungan yang sehat," jelas dr Samuel saat peluncuran kampanye Mulai Hidup Sehat dari Sekarang dari Danone Aqua, Rabu, 16 Maret 2011, di Djakarta Theatre, Jakarta.
So, menurut pendapat seorang douchebag, kita harus selalu menjaga keseimbangan gaya hidup kita. Its ok to have crazy wild life once in a while but you need to take care of your health while doing it. I am not saying that being a workaholic or being a sport addict is wrong, I'm just saying that balancing everything in your life will definitely lead you to healthier and even happier life in the future. I mean look at this celebrities pictures below, aren't they beautiful or what?